Thursday, October 15, 2009

The Courage of Detroit

I found this article in Sports Illustrated and inside the Detroit Free Press and I firmly believe this is the best article I have ever came across of have read myself.

This is the post to the article and it talks about the though economic times Detroit is going throw and how the Auto industry has gone down the pipes. It talks about where Detroit use to be and where it is currently. It talks about the tigers and how bad the Lions are. One of my favorite qutoes from it is ----We’re not gum on the bottom of America’s shoe. We’re not grime to be wiped off with a towel. Detroit and Michigan are part of the backbone of this country, the manufacturing spine, the heart of the middle class -- heck, we invented the middle class, we invented the idea that a factory worker can put in 40 hours a week and actually buy a house and send a kid to college. What? You have a problem with that? You think only lawyers and hedge-fund kings deserve to live decently?

If you go to the link, and have any interest in Detroit, and read the article I promise you will not be disappointed.

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